Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Week and Such

So this week was pretty good. Besides the fact that I was extremely hormonal and very grumpy with Eli and Spencer, I tried to handle stuff. I went to six flags on Friday with my school, which was pretty cool, but my friend got a headache so we both sat down for a while. Overall it was awesome, though.
I'm just trying to be a better person. I've always had a problem with jealousy, and wishing I was somewhere else or doing something else, which lowers my self confidence and just brings me down. But I know what makes me happy, and I know how to be happy, and I need to do that. Simply put. I've also been obsessing over romance movies too much in the past month, which really isn't bad, but sometimes those movies can be inappropriate and vile, and that also degrades on my spirit. So I need to focus on The Lord and the Spirit and Christ. I need to do more service and do more Personal Progress, and be kinder to my family.
Haha, I was trying to make cookies yesterday (hormonal cookies, by the way haha), and it just so happened that Eli wanted to make cookies too (just for fun cookies, you know), and I had a friend over. I have never screamed at Eli so much over cookies. Sorry, bud.
I truly know that charity is the pure love of Christ. Today after church I put on some Mormon messages on the TV, and I just couldn't stop crying. But I just let the tears flow, like one great prophet once said.
I'm so so so thankful for my sister on a mission. SO so thankful. She's been blessed and we've been blessed, an we've all benefited from it. After we called her for Mother's Day, I was left home alone for a while, and I just felt kind of weepy. It was like that feeling when you start singing but have to stop because the spirit is just so strong an you have to cry. I love that feeling.
I really, really want to go on a mission someday. And I was to go to college, maybe become a nurse or something. And then I can get married, and have kids and grow old and have grand kids. What a life. Such a life.
This week I ate okay. I definitely went off wack on Friday at sixflags, and Saturday and today was pretty bad too haha, but Monday through Thursday I did pretty good. Which I think definitely counts.
The temple is starting a thing again this summer with the youth to do baptisms every Monday through Thursday in Sacramento over the summer, and I really, really want to do it. I love the temple. I have a testimony of the ordinances made there and the kind, righteous people who work there.
Seminary orientation started this Wednesday. It was pretty good, although I was slightly disappointed that there were a few girls there who were wearing short shorts. But it was still good. I hope I can make good friends with the other kids in the stake. And I remember feeling more confident throughout the day after seminary.
I'm not sure what I feel about high school yet, it's a mix of a lot of feelings. I'll just worry about that when I do. 
But overall, I just want to say that I love this gospel. I love the Book of Mormon and the strength it gives me. I love our bishop and our stake president and our prophet. I love my family, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins. I love my siblings, my parents. I love, I love, I love this life of mine. 
"Oh how glorious from the throne above
Shines the gospel light of truth and love!"

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